Renewing K-12 Schools: Every public and private K-12 school across America will get blessed twice, once from the rewards program community volunteer service, and once again through the infrastructure revitalization program.
K-12 Schools Submit Lists of Eligible Projects: Each public and private K-12 school will need to reassess its total list of known repair needs and desired task items, and redivide all of that between what can be accomplished via each of the two different programs, i.e., virtually all human volunteer labor capital during the Rewards Program project events to tackle all manner of light-duty/handyman types of small repairs, facilities and grounds cleanups and other cosmetics like painting or similar, trash removals, reams of administrative paperwork done in bulk, sporting fields refreshed, and so forth, whatever is reasonable, versus the more major types of repairs and/or upgrades, types of work that legally must be done by licensed contractors, and other such work goals to be covered through the Infrastructure Program and associated investment funding increases over current levels, and with an expectation of eight (8) straight balanced years of such above-average infrastructure funding available. By all means, each K-12 school should maximize consideration of using the Rewards Program community volunteer labor to perform any light duty preparation projects towards those future major infrastructure repairs, whenever and wherever reasonably possible. K-12 schools located within certain disaster areas need to take that local option also into consideration, i.e., for having longer volunteer service stints of 3-4 hours each, or just the basic two-hour stint by each Rewards Program participant. Upon consideration of all the above parameters, each public and private K-12 school will submit two different lists, one list of project tasks under each program, with that first list (Rewards Program volunteer labor projects) including an estimate of volunteer participants required to complete each such desired light duty project, and a grand total number of all volunteer participants estimated in need to cover all desired Rewards Program revitalization projects for its own facilities and other school property, and including the K-12 school's internal estimate of how many total parents of its own students will have self-assigned and reserved their individual service stints for that K-12 school, i.e., how many parent participants are already counted on, out of the total number of all participants being requested to cover all desired Rewards Program volunteer service projects. The other list will be regarding those other/major infrastructure repairs and/or upgrades projects. Copies of both lists will be submitted to your local leaders, and cc'd to the state education leaders. The major infrastructure fundings will be prioritized and distributed in the normal governmental fashions out to K-12 schools during those increased investments, while for the Rewards Program voluntary labor pool available, local leaders will be deemed duty-bound to approve every individual public K-12 school's estimate/request for earmark in total number of volunteer participants to be assigned in total service of all Rewards Program projects at that public K-12 school, up to 50% of all the projected Rewards Program participants living within that same public K-12 school's own enrollment/attendance residential boundaries, whereas local leaders may divide up the remaining share of that given area population's participants towards any other local public revitalization projects identified for scheduling, like parks and recreation, the Homeless building projects, and others.
S.T.E.M. Requirement Threshold: Every public K-12 school that estimates/requests a 25% or higher share of all the estimated Rewards Program participants within its own local school residential boundaries must provide and implement any reasonable plan to significantly increase overall S.T.E.M. engagement and achievement by its entire student roster (all grades), but that plan need only be "reasonable" in the eyes and discretion of the same local government leaders, something positive and measurable, something actually worthwhile and beneficial to students.
Cross-References: See also the Food Donations page and the Community Service page for more information directly related to K-12 schools and this program.
Note: Team Trump may yet further tweak any program aspect, such as considerations for waiting periods, frequency of program availability, income and/or debt thresholds, and/or whatever else may enhance creation of jobs, household incomes, and other goals.