Topics:   Homeless and Ex-Offenders



50M New Jobs Program - Homeless & Ex-Offenders:  While significantly smaller in overall numbers than the other targeted demographics, it is important not to overlook these important segments of our population. There are over 500,000 homeless in America every night, of which 125,000 (25%) are children...

Eligibility for Incentives:  Once enough units are available, or rather as more and more units become available (see more below), any homeless person may apply, via using any U.S. citizen who agrees to sponsor the homeless person (primarily for purposes of having an established, stable/reliable, and trusted alternative mailing address, if/as needed), for 12 weeks of temporary housing, clothing, food and local bus pass assistance, for written agreement by the participant towards getting hired into an infrastructure job and back on their feet again, including assembling credentials (state ID card or drivers license, birth certificate copy, etc.), and taking as needed any brief period(s) of government-provided infrastructure-focused training/retraining programs. Ex-Offenders recently released from any period of incarceration of one (1) actual year or more physical time served, in addition to other types of subsidies ex-offenders often receive or can receive, may also apply for the same Homeless temporary assistance package, via using the same kind of sponsor as above, if application is made no later than thirty (30) days after their release date (they can apply even before being released).

Temporary Assistance Package Details:  The federal government will enter into a partnership between itself, state/local government, and Habitat for Humanity, Catholic Charities, Home Works, and/or similar entity or entities in or around each incorporated city that build low-cost housing units for the poor and/or homeless using volunteer labor teams. The city will designate and provide one or more appropriate parcels or lots of land along bus routes within reasonable proximity to coin-operated self-serve laundromats, assign an appropriately-sized portion number of participants from the Rewards Program local area volunteer labor force available, and either work with the private non-profit builder entity to obtain building materials at low-cost or no-cost, or else fund the building materials as needed. The private builder will design and build standard multi-units of two-bedroom efficiency apartments, i.e., building structures of between four (4) to eight (8) such 2BR efficiency apartments, each multi-unit building structure to include one (1) ADA-compliant unit. Each 2BR unit will share a small kitchenette, and each separate multi-unit building will include a basic internet connection service via either wireless or wired means to provide shared service amongst only the residents of that given building structure. Each 12-week temporary resident must share a 2BR unit with another such participant ("buddy system"), agree to keep the premises substance-free and crime-free, and submit a weekly progress report towards getting back on their own feet to the building manager. The city will provide regular patrols by law enforcement. Each temporary resident-participant will be charged a flat, all-inclusive $75 in weekly rent, which cost the federal government will reimburse, for at least over the planned eight-year duration of this infrastructure revitalization program, either the given state or local government, who may either self-manage said buildings and retain those rental reimbursements, or forward payments to whatever entity will permanently manage and maintain said buildings. In either event, there shall be performance metrics in successfully transitioning homeless back onto their feet as a criteria tied to continuance of building management. The federal government will further reimburse the state/local government another $75 per week per resident participant towards costs of the state/local governments providing a "limited" SNAP/EBT card with week-by-week disbursements of food allotment assistance for a single person, one (1) $25 per week-by-week voucher for (only) clothing items at any Goodwill or similar respectable and established second-hand store in the given local area, and those up-to-three expected monthly local bus passes for the participant to repair life and seek infrastructure employment. If the homeless person is already established and receiving any local or state assistance benefits, then those will apply first towards the above rental, food, clothing and bus-pass costs, and then the federal government will pay for the additional differences up to the same weekly values.

Waiver of ObamaCare Penalties:  As a homeless person or qualified recent ex-offender, you get a very strong hiring incentive. Both you and your infrastructure-approved employer get waivers from the ObamaCare penalties (up to two years, see details), meaning that the employer gets a "41 Hour" waiver, increasing the current threshold for mandated employer-provided healthcare coverage for any employee working 30 hours per week, up to a new temporary relaxed threshold pertaining to you personally of 41 hours per week, i.e., the employer may now hire you for a full 40-hour work week without having to be forced to also pay to provide healthcare coverage for you, and you also get a waiver for that year of the ObamaCare individual penalty so that your own healthcare decisions can be voluntary without threat of serious financial punishment. Make no mistake with this jobs program, as many employers, especially larger companies, will continue to offer healthcare plans to attract, and more importantly, to retain, their work forces. However, this program will alleviate the pressure and burden on small businesses to dramatically increase their hiring and company growth, which will be needed to support explosion of all such "feeder" industries for each of the 18 major types of infrastructure repairs and modernization targeted. You win all the way around, your employer wins big (and loves you for it), and America wins nationwide, with new infrastructure repairs everywhere, tens of millions more consumers earning more and spending more, and shoring up a strong and revitalized tax base which solves a myriad of economic issues to the healthy benefit of every American future.

Note:  Team Trump may yet further tweak any program aspect, such as considerations for waiting periods, frequency of program availability, income and/or debt thresholds, and/or whatever else may enhance creation of jobs, household incomes, and other goals.

Demand Fully Equal Opportunity


Below are social links to our nation's top influential leaders.  It is high time that We The People finally get the respect we always deserved, that our Infrastructure finally gets fixed, and that the American Dream comes within reach of everyone.

   Trump:              Pence:          McConnell:        Schumer:           Pelosi:           McCarthy:          McDaniel:           Perez:
