Topics:   Military Veterans



50M New Jobs Program - Military Veterans:  Let your former proud service to America now serve you with distinction, in preferential hiring treatment to support our nation's critical infrastructure needs.

Two Types of Eligibility for Military:  General eligibility is for the 22+ million military veterans from all service branches under the Department of Defense, including the various Guard branches, and all Reserves, offering standard infrastructure jobs hiring incentive packages for all military veterans who wish to invoke those credits and benefits. Special eligibility with additional cash bonuses is "first come, first served" for each of approximately 13,000 former military engineers to be reactivated more or less evenly across all of domestic America.

Standard Hiring Incentives Packages:  All former military service personnel who were honorably discharged, and regardless of present age (no upper age limits), and otherwise capable of obtaining and performing normal civilian employment, may take advantage of this standard military veterans hiring incentives package. For up to two years (see details), your new infrastructure employer gets to waive (keep) its own corresponding 7.65% share of the FICA taxes on 10% of your taxable income, which is a strong incentive to hire you. Further, both you and your infrastructure-approved employer get waivers from the ObamaCare penalties (up to two years, see details), meaning that the employer gets a "41 Hour" waiver, increasing the current threshold for mandated employer-provided healthcare coverage for any employee working 30 hours per week, up to a new temporary relaxed threshold pertaining to you personally of 41 hours per week, i.e., the employer may now hire you for a full 40-hour work week without having to be forced to also pay to provide healthcare coverage for you, and you also get a waiver for that year of the ObamaCare individual penalty so that your own healthcare decisions can be voluntary without threat of serious financial punishment. Make no mistake with this jobs program, as many employers, especially larger companies, will continue to offer healthcare plans to attract, and more importantly, to retain, their work forces. However, this program will alleviate the pressure and burden on small businesses to dramatically increase their hiring and company growth, which will be needed to support explosion of all such "feeder" industries for each of the 18 major types of infrastructure repairs and modernization targeted. Further, as a veteran, your health coverage is likely already partially or fully covered by the government. At least until the end of this entire eight-year revitalization program, you also get a "permanent" 5% non-taxable redirection of your regular income after 12 months with the same infrastructure company, for as long as you remain with the same infrastructure company (and your employer benefits with that same 5% annual reduction of its FICA tax share). In other words, while the other 17 infrastructure categories receive "tax holiday" durations up to two (2) years (see full Jobs Program details), this special 18th category, Military/Defense, goes beyond that to the full duration of this entire eight-year program, just for veterans and military engineers as described on this page. You win all the way around, your employer wins big (and loves you for it), and America wins nationwide, with new infrastructure repairs everywhere, tens of millions more consumers earning more and spending more, and shoring up a strong and revitalized tax base which solves a myriad of economic issues to the healthy benefit of every American future.

Special Military Engineer Packages:  This nationwide infrastructure revitalization plan requires direct logistical and other direct engagement support by many military engineering personnel located all over America, including feasibility reviews, for scheduling rotations of military construction equipment at many of the larger-scope project sites, being central hub points for federal, state and local civil project leaders, and various other similar reasons. There are over 3100 different counties (and county-equivalents) comprising the 50 States and Commonwealths, plus also DC, as well as the several Island Territories. Generally, the overall plan seeks an average in 3-4 of these 13k additional military engineers to reside in, work in, and work towards the infrastructure needs of, each different U.S. county and county-equivalent, but more remote areas with few expected projects require fewer engineering personnel, while populated regions with numerous projects will require higher concentrations of military engineering personnel, of course. These 13,000 new military engineering support roles across the physical nation will all fall under the command of the Army Corps of Engineers, but any former military engineering service rank from any DoD branch (including all Guards and all Reserves) may reactivate for minimum two-year terms in this program, either directly with the ACE or "on extended loan" via your own service branch. Special incentive packages for these 13,000 military engineers include all incentives described above, but "permanent" 7% non-taxable income after 12 months reactivated service within qualified infrastructure military engineering support roles, plus a repeating $640 monthly non-taxable bonus paid on top of your normal earnings in each of those first twelve (12) months (a total of $7680 in tax-free bonuses). However, this special program availability is limited to the first 13,000 such eligible service personnel per the various geographical coverage needs as determined by the Army Corps of Engineers, i.e., only certain limited numbers of these special military engineering positions are available within each different geographical area.

Note:  Team Trump may yet further tweak any program aspect, such as considerations for waiting periods, frequency of program availability, income and/or debt thresholds, and/or whatever else may enhance creation of jobs, household incomes, and other goals.

Demand Fully Equal Opportunity


Below are social links to our nation's top influential leaders.  It is high time that We The People finally get the respect we always deserved, that our Infrastructure finally gets fixed, and that the American Dream comes within reach of everyone.

   Trump:              Pence:          McConnell:        Schumer:           Pelosi:           McCarthy:          McDaniel:           Perez:
