ANYONE may seek infrastructure work through this program, but the following are subsidized:
Department of Labor standardizes all private and public job codes into one unified system, redirects all governmental retraining programs for citizens towards infrastructure jobs, and generally oversees this entire program, including interconnecting all federal, state and local workforce/jobs banks together under the unified job codes, especially for all 17 non-military infrastructure categories at right. The federal, state and local governments submit desired projects, listing preliminary estimates of total labor needs per general job codes, along with available funding, incentives and/or other government resources. Companies bid on projects like normal, but can provide alternative bids considering subsidized labor costs. Your hiring incentives get you quickly on board and working. You may combine all applicable incentives.
About 45% of all new infrastructure costs are labor, while subsequent maintenance and repairs costs are some 80% labor. Converting trillions of existing financial burdens upon the federal government (student loan debt, entitlement payments, etc.) over eight years into direct, targeted hiring subsidies will create an explosion of job growth nationwide, as all the desperately-needed infrastructure projects themselves will receive strongly increased direct government investments. You may combine multiple hiring incentives as applicable:
Meet all eight (8) Members of your new Team American Dream, who will implement and direct both the Rewards Program and the Jobs Program detailed on this website. The President or his designee shall attend meetings to keep the President informed, and to vote any rare tiebreaker. Team American Dream shall consult with any/all persons as appropriate. Hover-click-tap any image for more details: